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In these blogs you will find all kinds of information about plastic but mostly about acrylic. Acrylic has become very popular since the outbreak of COVID as people have been stuck at home either to work or laid of because of no work. Being at home 24 hours a day has been a sureal experience for most of us and has opened our eyes to the existing furniture that we have all over our home. It has given us the opportunity to do a reality check and and opportunity to re-examine the look that we have in our homes. This is where acrylic steps in. Acrylic is very strong but yet transparent! So whatever we place on or in it shines and pops to the forfront of our visual examination. It makes whatever is on it or in it POP! So those treasures that we have had for years are finally displayed in such a way that they are basically what you see. The display material, (acrylic), drops out of view due to its transparency.
We at PLASTICMART have known this for years and have made so many different items over the years that we cannot even begin to list them here. We will thru our blog over time list, describe and show you some of them and hoefully you will get as excited as we are about the product.
Keep an eye out for our opinions, based on 60 years of fabrication, our advice, (protecting, cleaning and taking care of our product) and what the future holds for products that are coming up.
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